About The Baer School
For over 75 years the William S. Baer School has served Baltimore City Public Schools as a leader in inclusive, therapeutic education for students with multiple disabilities. With a knowledge and experience, The Baer School provides a unique mix of accessible education, occupational therapies, and recreational opportunities for our students. Through routine, structure, and community support, The Baer School facilitates independent learning to all of our students regardless of race, class, or ability level
Pre-K Through 12th Grade
Specialized classrooms for children aged three to 21 years old are organized by age, grade, and ability level. Students with multiple disabilities and those who require intensive support are educated through IEP-driven programming.
Students in grades three, eight, and ten participate in the Alternate Maryland State Assessment (Alt MSA).
Health-related services are provided through Baltimore City Health Department’s school-based Health Center. This Center is supervised by a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (NP) and Baltimore City Health Department nurses. Many students also attend the Baer School with aid from private nurses in coordination with their families and personal medical teams.
Additional Programs
The Baer School provides occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech and language pathology, audiology and vision services, social work, psychology, adapted physical education, therapeutic swimming, music, and art.
The William S. Baer School is a M.O.V.E. International Model Site. “MOVE (Mobility Opportunities Via Education)® helps children with disabilities:
Acquire increased independence in sitting, standing, and walking
Learn and gain more mobility and
Experience better health and enhanced personal dignity.

The Baer Mission
Our mission is to create an environment which challenges our students to reach educational and therapeutic success.
The Baer Vision
We will remain student-focused by providing our students opportunities to communicate, engage, and plan transitions.
We will know our students fully, recognize their strengths, appreciate their uniqueness, and always treat each student with dignity they deserve.
We will use data, multi-disciplinary collaboration, and open communication to maximize educational and therapeutic outcomes.
We will use our families, the community, and the Baltimore City school system's resources to meet our students’ educational, medical, and therapeutic needs.